Monday, July 20, 2009

About Blogging

So finally I did join the band of netizens who blog. What took me so long and why did I start at all?
Lets delve on the second question first.
Well, I used to write quite a bit once upon a time. I still remember one of my teachers telling me that I wrote well. Then, there is my better half who keeps reminding me of some my early emails to her. I say early because, only in those early days, was the size of those emails considerable and the subject matter interesting and romantic. I must say the romance stayed, but the emails got shorter as we got to know each other better. I also used to write a diary although infrequently. So cutting the long story short, there are people who tell me I have a flair for writing and I think its time to unveil some of this flair to the big bad world of the Internet.
Now to that first question, what took me so long, the answer to that is plain and simple, good old procrastination and lethargy.

Anyways, what am I going to blog on?
As the name says, wherever my mind wanders. So one day it will be on some technology that I am working on or reading about, another day it could be on Music, on which I am putting some of my energies these days, or it could just be anything that I feel like on that particular day, such as a trip we undertook on a particular weekend or even my wife's culinary experiments.

I hope to make it interesting and I look forward to any feedback.

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